Interpreting Results

Our current implementation contains some helpful tools for further analyzing the learned policies. The first helps to generate clusters of encoder outputs, and the second analyzes a policy with interpretability algorithms provided in the Captum package.

Generating Clusters

The code to generate clusters is provided in analysis/clusters.ipynb. This notebook enables you to get representation encodings from saved policies, and visualize the clusters using Principal component analysis (PCA) or t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) in Tensorboard. What it does is to generate and save representations into a runs directory, and visualizing it is as simple as running two lines:

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir=runs

Interpreting Policies

Sometimes it can be helpful to visualize to what extent a policy relies on certain regions of the state input, and this can be done by algorithms provided by Captum. In scripts/ we incorporate three Primary Attribution methods: Saliency, Integrated Gradients, and DeepLift.

To run the script, you need to specify a few parameters:

  • encoder_path: The path leading to the saved encoder you want to interpret.

  • chosen_algo (Optional): The interpretation algorithm you want to run. We currently support one of ['saliency', 'integrated_gradient', 'deep_lift'], with 'integrated_gradient' being the default value.

  • length (Optional): The number of images you want to interpret. This will make the policy interpret the first length images from the dataset. The default value is 2.

  • save_video (Optional): Whether to save the interpreted length images as a video. The default value is False.

  • save_image (Optional): Whether to save length images to a local disk. The default value is True.

  • device (Optional): Specify the device you want to run. By default, it will use CUDA if a GPU is available, and use CPU otherwise.

The benchmark and dataset to be tested on by default depends on env_cfg_defaults in envs/ If you want to specify them on-the-fly, you can set the values when you call this file. Below is an example to run the interpretation on Procgen’s Coinrun environment:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python ./src/il_representations/scripts/ with \
     encoder_path=${path_to_encoder} \
     save_video=True \
     save_image=True \
     chosen_algo=saliency \
     length=1000 \
     env_cfg.benchmark_name=procgen \