Dataset Creation & Environment Specification

This document explains the abstractions that we are using to load demonstration data and create Gym environments. These abstractions are intended provide a reasonably uniform internal interface across all of all the benchmarks supported by the il-representations project (Atari, dm_control, MAGICAL, Minecraft, etc.).

Sacred ingredients

The data-loading pipeline is configured using three different Sacred ingredients:

  • env_cfg_ingredient: In principle, this ingredient contains all the information necessary to create a Gym environment for a specific combination of benchmark and task. The two most important config keys are benchmark_name (which identifies whether the current benchmark is MAGICAL, or dm_control, or something else), and task_name (which identifies the current task within the selected benchmark; e.g. finger-spin or MoveToCorner-Demo-v0). There are also some benchmark-specific config keys for, e.g., preprocessing.

  • venv_opts_ingredient: Additional options required to construct a vecenv (e.g. the number of environments to run in parallel).

  • env_data_ingredient: Contains paths to data files on disk. Has quite a few dataset-specific keys, particularly for loading ‘native’-format datasets (as described further down).

Not every script requires every one of the above ingredients. For instance, testing a trained policy requires env_cfg_ingredient to determine which environment to evaluate on, and venv_opts_ingredient to construct a vecenv, but not env_data_ingredient. As a result, the three components have been separated out to minimise the number of redundant Sacred config options for each script.

Creating Gym environments

Gym environments can be created with auto.load_vec_env(). This uses env_cfg['benchmark_name'] (from the env_cfg_ingredient Sacred ingredient) to dispatch to a benchmark-specific routine for creating vecenvs. The benchmark-specific routines make use of both env_cfg['task_name'] and (possibly) some benchmark-specific keys in env_cfg to, e.g., apply appropriate preprocessors. In addition, auto.load_vec_env() uses venv_opts (from the venv_opts_ingredient Sacred ingredient) to determine, e.g., how many environments the vecenv should run in parallel.

Loading demonstrations from their ‘native’ format

Demonstrations for each benchmark were originally generated in a few different formats. For instance, the MAGICAL reference demonstrations are distributed as pickles, while the Atari demonstrations were saved as Numpy .npz files (see the data formats GDoc for more detail). The auto.load_dataset_dict() function provides a uniform interface to these formats.

Like auto.load_vec_env(), the auto.load_dict_dataset() function uses env_cfg['benchmark_name'] to dispatch to a benchmark-specific data-loading function that is able to read the benchmark’s on-disk data format. Those benchmark-specific loading functions in turn look at benchmark-specific config keys in env_data (from env_data_ingredient) to locate the demonstrations. For example, benchmark_name="magical" dispatches to envs.magical_envs.load_data(), which looks up the current task name (i.e. env_cfg["task_name"]) in env_data["magical_demo_dirs"] to determine where the relevant demonstrations are stored.

Regardless of the value of env_cfg['benchmark_name'], auto.load_dataset_dict() always returns a dict with the following keys:

  • obs: an N*C*H*W array of observations associated with states.

  • next_obs: an N*C*H*W array of observations associated with the state after the corresponding one in obs.

  • acts: an N*A_1*A_2*… array of actions, where A_1*A_2*… is the shape of the action space.

  • dones: an length-N array of bools indicating whether the corresponding state was terminal.

Note that N here is the sum of the lengths of all trajectories in the dataset; trajectories are concatenated together to form each value in the returned dictionary. It is possible to segment the values back into trajectories by looking at the dones array.

Loading all demonstrations into a single dictionary in memory has one major advantage, but also a few drawbacks. The advantage is that it’s easy to manipulate the demonstrations: you can figure out how many trajectories you have with np.sum(data_dict["dones"]), or randomly index into time steps in order to construct shuffled batches. The three main disadvantages are:

  • Loading all demonstrations into a dict can use a lot of memory.

  • auto.load_dict_dataset() relies on the env_cfg_ingredient Sacred ingredient, which only supports specifying a single training task. Thus it is not easy to extend auto.load_dict_dataset() so that it can load multitask data.

  • It’s hard to invert auto.load_dict_dataset() into a function for saving trajectories, since it needs to support several different (benchmark-specific) data formats. However, it would be convenient to have such an inverse function, since that would allow us to write benchmark-agnostic code for generating new repL training data (e.g. generating training data from random rollouts).

For these reasons, we also have a second data format…

The webdataset format

In addition to the in-memory dict format generated by auto.load_dict_dataset(), we also have a second set of independent data-saving and data-loading machinery based on the webdataset spec/library. This section briefly explains how webdataset works, and how we use it to load data for the run_rep_learner script.

High-level interface and configuration

Within our codebase, the high-level interface for loading datasets in the webdataset format is the auto.load_wds_datasets() function. This takes a list of configurations for single-task datasets, and returns an list containing one webdataset Dataset for each task. It is then the responsibility of the calling code to apply any necessary preprocessing steps to those Datasets (e.g. target pair construction) and to multiplex the datasets with an InterleavedDataset. These abstractions are explained further down the page.

The configuration syntax for auto.load_wds_datasets() is exactly the syntax used for the dataset_configs configuration option in, and as such deserves some further explanation. Each element of the list passed to auto.load_wds_datasets() is a dict which may contain the following keys:

    # the type of data to be loaded
    "type": "demos" | "random" |
    # a dictionary containing some subset of configuration keys from `env_cfg_ingredient`
    "env_cfg": {...},

Both the "type" key and the "env_cfg" key are optional. "type" defaults to "demos", and "env_cfg" defaults to the current configuration of env_cfg_ingredient. If any sub-keys are provided in "env_cfg", then they are recursively combined with the current configuration of "env_cfg_ingredient". This allows one to define new dataset configurations that override only some aspects of the current "env_cfg_ingredient" configuration.

This configuration syntax might be clearer with a few examples:

  • Training on random rollouts and demonstrations using the current benchmark name from env_cfg_ingredient:

dataset_configs = [{"type": "demos"}, {"type": "random"}]
  • Training on demos from both the default task from env_cfg_ingredient, and another task called “finger-spin”. Notice that this time the first config dict does not have any keys; this is equivalent to using {"type": "demos"} as we did above. "type": "demos" is also implicit in the second dict.

dataset_configs = [{}, {"env_cfg": {"task_name": "finger-spin"}}]
  • Combining the examples above, here is an example that trains on demos from the current task, random rollouts from the current task, demos from a second task called "finger-spin", and random rollouts from a third task called "cheetah-run":

dataset_configs = [
  {"type": "random"},
  {"env_cfg": {"task_name": "finger-spin"}},
  {"type": "random", "env_cfg": {"task": "cheetah-run"}},

Since env_cfg_ingredient does not allow for specification of data paths, the configurations passed to auto.load_wds_datasets() also do not allow for paths to be overridden. Instead, the data for a given configuration will always be loaded using the following path template:


data_root is a config variable from env_data_ingredient, and data_type is the "type" defined in the dataset config dict. "task_key" is env_cfg["task_name"] (which is taken from env_cfg_ingredient by default, but can be overridden in any of the config dicts passed to auto.load_wds_datasets()). Likewise, benchmark_name defaults to env_cfg["benchmark_name"], but can be overridden by dataset config dicts.

On-disk format

The webdataset-based on-disk format (which I’ll just call the “webdataset format”) is very simple: a dataset is composed of ‘shards’, each of which is a single tar archive. Each tar archive contains a list of files like this:


For the datasets generated by our code, all shards begin with a _metadata.meta.pickle file holding metadata identifying a specific benchmark and task (e.g. it contains the observation space for the task, as well as a configuration for env_data_ingredient that can be used to re-instantiate the whole Gym environment). The remaining files represent time steps in a combined set of trajectories. For instance, the frame_000.* files represent the observation encountered at the first step of the first trajectory, the action taken, the infos dict returned, the next observation encountered, etc. As with the arrays returned by auto.load_dict_dataset(), trajectories are concatenated together in the tar file, and can be separated back out by inspecting the dones values.

Aside: users of the webdataset library usually do not include file-level metadata of the kind stored in _metadata.meta.pickle. Our code has some additional abstractions (such as read_dataset.ILRDataset) which ensure that the file-level metadata is accessible from Python, and which also ensure that _metadata.meta.pickle is not accidentally treated as an additional “frame” when reading the tar file. This is discussed further below.

Writing datasets in the webdataset format

Convenience functions for writing datasets are located in data.write_dataset. In particular, this contains a helper function for extracting metadata from an env_cfg_ingredient configuration (get_meta_dict()) and a helper for writing a series of frames to an appropriately-structured tar archive (write_frames()). These helpers are currently used by two scripts, which are good resources for understanding how to write webdatasets:

  • Converts between dict format and webdataset format. That is, the script loads a dataset from its ‘native’ on-disk format into a dict using auto.load_dict_dataset(), then writes the data into a new webdataset.

  • Generates random rollouts on a specified environment and then saves them into a webdataset.

Loading data: from shard to minibatch

The main abstraction provided by the webdataset library is the Dataset class. Given a series of URLs pointing to different shards of a dataset, this class iterates over the contents over the shards, one URL at a time. webdataset’s Dataset is a valid subclass of Torch’s IterableDataset, so it can be directly passed to Torch’s DataLoader. A webdataset Dataset can also be also be composed with Python generators in order to create a data preprocessing pipeline. For repL, our pipeline looks something like this:

  1. Generic decoding/grouping code: The first stage of the pipeline does bookkeeping like decoding .pickle files in the shard into Python objects (instead of yielding raw bytes as training samples!), and grouping samples with the same frame prefix (e.g. frame000, frame001, etc.). Our code also uses a special Dataset subclass that makes the contents of _metadata.meta.pickle accessible as a dataset instance attribute.

  2. Target pair constructor: After training samples are decoded, they can be grouped into context and target pairs for the purpose of repL. The TargetPairConstructor interface is simply a generator that processes one sample at a time from the dataset iterator. Since samples are written and read in temporal order, it is possible for these generators to, e.g., create target and context pairs out of temporally adjacent pairs (example).

  3. Optional shuffling: Since webdataset Datasets are Iterable datasets, it is not possible to shuffle the entire dataset in-memory. Instead, the repL code can optionally apply a pipeline stage that buffers a small, fixed number of samples in memory, and pops a randomly-selected sample from this buffer at each iteration. This introduces a small degree of randomisation that may be helpful for optimisation. Note that this step also breaks temporal order, so it must come after target pair construction.

  4. Interleaving: Recall that one of the aims of the webdataset-based repL data system was to support multitask training. In principle, we could do this by passing shards from different datasets to webdataset’s Dataset class. However, since shards are iterated over sequentially (modulo the shuffle buffer), this would mean that the network would exclusively see samples from the first dataset for the first few batches, then exclusively samples from the second dataset, and so on. Instead, we create a separate webdataset Dataset for each sub-dataset used for multitask training, and then multiplex those Datasets with InterleavedDataset. InterleavedDataset is an IterableDataset that repeatedly chooses a sub-dataset uniformly at random and yields a single sample from that. This ensures that the different sub-datasets are equally represented (on average) in each batch.

The steps above yield a single IterableDataset which can be passed to Torch’s DataLoader. The DataLoader is then responsible for combining samples from the iterator into batches, just as it would with any other IterableDataset.

Adding support for a new benchmark

These are the rough steps required to add support for a new benchmark:

  1. Create benchmark-specific routines for creating vec envs; loading data in a dict format; and inferring the equivalent Gym name of an environment. Add these to a module in il_representations.envs, much like il_representations.envs.magical.

  2. Add any required config variables for the new benchmark to il_representations.envs.config, and update so that the routines make use of the new config variables to dispatch to the dataset-specific routines in

  3. Update il_representations.scripts.il_test to do execute dataset-specific code is required for evaluation of policies in the new environment.

  4. Add demonstrations for the new environment to svm and perceptron (in /scatch/sam/il-demos). Also update (in il_representations/scripts/) to produce webdataset-format demonstrations for the new benchmark, and add those to svm/perceptron too. Repeat these steps to copy demonstrations to GCP, too. In particular, if you copy them to /scratch/sam/il-representations-gcp-volume/il-demos/ in svm or perceptron then they should get automatically synced to GCP.

  5. Finally, add configs for one environment from the new benchmark to, and add test fixtures to tests/data. This will make it possible to unit test the new benchmark. Since these data fixtures are stored in the repo, I suggest using only 1-2 trajectories for each fixture.